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Parents are complimentary about the staff and the care they show to their children. They comment that their children appear happy and settled. Parents have access to a variety of information through the website and an online record system.


Staff provide children with daily opportunities to play outside. Children of all ages have opportunities to jump and balance. Children use tools such as pipettes, syringes, and art equipment to develop the muscles and fine motor control needed for early writing. Children are starting to manage some tasks for themselves, such as tidying up and washing their hands before eating.


On 21 May 2024, we carried out a regulatory visit. The focus of the visit was to check whether the provider has met the safeguarding and welfare action raised at the last inspection. We found that the provider has met the action set in the welfare requirement notice.



Date Of Inspection: 7th May 2024




A Statement from our Committee.


it is with deep concern and a firm commitment to progress that we address the recent Ofsted inspection conducted on the 7th of May, which resulted in an overall inadequate rating across all areas.


At Hendreds Pre School, we understand the significance of this assessment and are resolute in our determination to effect immediate and substantial improvements. As a newly appointed committee, we have taken decisive steps to address the findings and have already implemented measures to enhance the quality of care and education provided to our children.


Immediate action has been taken to modify the lunchtime routine, ensuring a healthier and safer environment for our children. This change is part of our unwavering commitment to fostering an environment that prioritises the well-being and development of each child in our care. Ofsted revisited on the 21st May and were happy with the changes we had made.


To support our dedicated staff in upholding the Early Years Foundation (EYF) guidelines and effectively planning the curriculum, we have welcomed volunteers to provide assistance. This support will enable our staff to focus on creating a rich and tailored educational experience for the children under our care.


In addition, the committee is actively engaged in the recruitment process for essential roles within our team. We are actively seeking to fill or have already filled the positions of a manager, key worker, and 1-1 worker. These new recruits will play pivotal roles in ensuring that the individual needs of each child are met, and will contribute to the overall enhancement of the preschool's operations.


Hendreds Pre School views this evaluation as a catalyst for constructive and sustainable change. We are resolutely committed to the ongoing improvement of our standards and the provision of exceptional care and education to our children.


We are dedicated to the responsibilities bestowed upon us and are determined to restore trust in our preschool community. Our commitment remains unwavering as we embark on this journey of renewal and improvement.


5th June 2024

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