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Ofsted have said: 


  • Staff provide a welcoming and calm environment for children. They work closely with parents to help settle new children and provide supportive and caring settling in arrangements. This helps to build children's confidence in their new environment. Staff have implemented effective support to help children recognise their feelings and emotions. This helps children learn how to start to regulate their own behaviour.


  • Staff understand the curriculum learning intentions. They take account of each individual child's learning needs to promote children's development and progress securely. Overall, staff provide good-quality teaching and support the different areas of learning well. They engage children in discussions individually and in small groups. This helps children build on their language skills. Children enjoy their time at pre-school and engage well in the activities. They gain skills for the future, such as listening and concentration. Staff recognise when children may need additional support and help in their learning. They take steps to close any gaps to help all children progress.


  • Staff work closely with parents and other professionals to support and meet children's individual learning needs. They make relevant referrals to outside professionals to help get children the extra support and help they may need. Staff use effective strategies with children to help them develop their communication and language skills. For example, staff and children use communication cards successfully. Staff provide individual language sessions to children who need some extra support. They carefully consider the use of additional funding to support individual children's needs.


  • There are positive partnerships with parents and carers. Staff work closely with parents to understand and meet their children's needs. Parents feedback highlights that they feel supported by staff. They compliment the communication with staff as a strength of the pre-school. Staff provide ongoing feedback to parents about their children's time at the pre-school, including termly reports, regular observations and photos.


This Ofsted inspection was completed on: 7th October 2024














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